


  AEAS考试可分为 4-6、7-9、10-12不同等级,内容包括听、说、读、写;数学推理能力;综合能力测试。在备考AEAS考试时可以对症下药。根据十余年培训经验,优朗团队发现学生对AEAS词汇、语法的掌握度能够直接影响其他单项(阅读、写作及口语)分数高低。




  总的来看,AEAS词汇题考察形式共有三种——词义配对题(word meanings)、语境词汇题(words in context)、拼写改错题(spelling)。7-9年级AEAS词汇题全部包含三种题型,而10-12年级AEAS词汇题只考察前两种类型。









  1. Walk a____ this street and turn left at the third crossing.

  2. In china the hottest month is A____.

  3. Have you got an e-mail a___?

  4. I don’t want this coat. Please show me a____ one.

  5. There are many a____in the zoo.

  6. He doesn’t study hard. His father is always a_____ with him.

  7. An a_____a day keeps the doctor away.

  8. What are you going to do this a____?

  9. --- what’s your a_____? --- I’m 14.

  10. She a_____get to school early. She’s never late for school.

  11. Please take a_____ the empty bottle.

  12. There is an old house b____ the tall tree. The tall tree is in front of the house.

  13. There are a lot of b____ flowers in his garden.

  14. There is a b______ over the river.

  15. The first class b_____ at 7:30.

  16. He usually watches TV for half an hour b_____ he goes to bed.

  17. He wants to get some money, so he goes to the b______.

  18. His parents are b____ teachers.

  19. Ben never practices the piano. He plays it b____.

  20. Jane’s b____ is on the twenty-fifth. I’m going to buy a present for you.

  21. I’d like two b_____ of pain brushed.

  22. She washes her face, b_____ her teeth and has breakfast.

  23. --- What do you usually have for b_____?

  24. Can I b_____ your ruler? Mine is at home.

  25. don’t forget to b_____ your books next time.

  26. It’s a windy day. The wind is b_____ strongly.

  27. The cinema is b_____ the bookshop and the post office.

  28. I’ll try my b____to work hard at English.

  29. Beijing is the c______ of China.

  30. They’re good at throwing and c_____the ball.

  31. I’m going to c_____the Baiyun Hills this Sunday.

  32. Thank you, and here is your c____.

  33. China is great c_____.

  34. His grandfather lives in the c_____.

  35. There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It’s a c_____ day.

  36. It’s c______today. Put on your sweater, please.

  37. Here’s your c______. Put it on, please.

  38. His mother is a good c_____. she can cook delicious food.

  39. There is a c_____ on the desk. It can tell you the time.

  40. How much does the bike c_____?

  41. I like c_____stamps very much.

  42. The first day of June is C_____ day.

  43. We c______our classroom every day.

  44. this bike is too expensive. Have you got c____ ones?

  45. Please c_____ the table with a cloth.

  46. What’s one hundred _____ by two point five?

  47. His father is a d_______. He works in a hospital.

  48. The last month of the year is d_____.

  49. Can you tell me the d_____ between the two words?

  50. On the evening before the Spring Festival, people usually have a big d____ with their family.


  1.along 2.August 3.address 4.another 5.animals 6.angry 8.afternoon 9.age 10.always

  11.away 12.behind 13.beautiful 14.bridge 15.begins 16.before 18.both 19.badly 20.birthday

  21.boxes 22.brushes 23.breakfast 24.borrow 25.bring 26.blowing 27.between 30.catching

  31.climb 32.change 34.countryside 35.cloudy 36.cold 37.coat 38.cook 39.clock 40.cost

  41.collecting 42.Children’s 43.clean 44.cheaper 45.cover 46.divided 48.December 49.difference 50.dinner
