

  Australian Education Assessment Service, 澳大利亚教育评估服务机构的简称,成立于1985年,30年来一直致力于为准备进入澳大利亚初高中学习的国际学生提供高水平的综合性测试服务。很多通过完成AEAS考试的学生都顺利进入到了澳大利亚众多顶尖的精英学校学习,并都在高中阶段取得很好的成绩顺利进入到澳洲着名的大学学习。




  ① Please show me the letter.

  ② Can you buy me a meal?

  ③ I will give you the latest newsletter.

  ④ John has sent Betty a cheque of $1000.



  ①a. The boss entrusted him with the job.

  b. The boss entrusted the job to him.

  ②a. He tried to impress the new idea on us.

  b. He tried to impress us with the new idea.

  ③a. A general should inspire his soldiers with great courage.

  b. A general should inspire great courage in his soldiers.


  ④a. Who introduced John to you?

  b. Who introduced John into the new office?

  ⑤a. We warned him of the hazard.

  b. We warned him against the hazard.

  (a. 指存在的危险;b. 指可能的危险)

  ⑥a. When compared with each other, there are differences between the twins.

  b. We may compare the heart to a pump.

  (a. 指同类人或物对比;b.指两样不同东西互相比拟)

  ⑦a. Helen was disappointed of the prize.

  b. Helen was disappointed in the prize.

  (a. 指没得奖而失望;b. 指对所得的奖不满而失望)

  ⑧a. The cake is allied to the flour.

  b. Is Taiwan allied with America?

  (a.指两样东西有关联;b. 指两个国家有联盟关系)


  ⑨ The police cautioned the tourists of the danger ahead.(警惕) ⑩ Can a doctor cure June of her chronic illness?(医治)

  ● The company has to compensate its staff for their losses.(弥补)

  ● No one can deprive a citizen of his human right.(剥夺)


  ● I hope you will avail yourself of the golden opportunity. (利用)

  ● My friends often pride themselves on their rare achievements.(以……自豪)

  ● Jill knows how to insinuate herself into her boss"s favour.(向……献媚取宠)

  ● We look down on those ingratiating themselves with their superiors.(讨好……)
