


越位 offside

月供(买房的) monthly mortgage payment

粤语流行曲 Cantopop / Canto pop (a colloquial abbreviation for "Cantonese popular music", also referred to as HK-pop, short for "Hong Kong popular music")

预防煤矿生产安全事故 preventing coalmine accidents

晕菜 numb; dumbfounded

军工企业 defense industry enterprise

运球 dribble

运输机 cargo planes

运营 move and do business

运载火箭 carrier rocket

运载技术 delivery technology

鱼尾纹 crow's-feet (Dark circles, puffy eyes and crow's-feet are the three main eye problems that can cloud an otherwise beautiful face.)

语音拨号 voice dial

语音聊天系统 voice chatting system

语音提示 voice prompt

仪仗队 honour guard

有机巧克力 organic chocolate

(地震后的)余震 aftershock

应急市场 emergency market

堰塞湖 quake lake, barrier lake, dammed lake

荧光灯 fluorescent bulb

应急预案 contingency plan

油电混合动力车 hybrid electric vehicle

医疗旅游团 medical travel group

运动饮料 sports drink

羽毛球运动员 shuttler

眼保健操 eye exercises

拥堵费 congestion fee

养母 surrogate mother

遗体告别仪式 farewell ceremony

亚军 runner-up

有色眼镜 tainted glasses

一夜情 one-night stand

一致决议 binding resolution

阅兵 parade

赝品 counterfeit or shoddy

以物易物 barter

玉米虫 domain investor. This term, literally "corn worm," refers to people who earn money by registering valuable Internet domains.

夜猫子 night owl, burn the midnight oil

野鸡大学 bogus colleges

阳光保险 Sunshine insurance

应急办公室 emergency response office



