



1. 2016AEAS考试模拟真题中that 从句。如:

I would lend you the money except that I don’t have any. 我是肯借给你钱的,只是我没有钱。

2. if 从句。如:

Come tomorrow unless I phone. 除非我打电话,否则明天来好了。

Except if you start at once you’ll be late. 除非你立即动身,否则你就会迟到。

3. when 从句。如:

He's good-looking except when he smiles. 他长得不错,可一笑就不行了。

I like her except when she was angry. 除了她生气的时候,我挺喜欢她的。

4. what 从句。如:

He has nothing now except what we owe him. 除了我们欠他的钱外,他现在是一无所有了。

There is little known about the matter except what has been reported. 除了报道的之外,大家对这事知道的很少。

5. why 从句。如:

I understand everything except why he stole the money. 我什么都明白,只是不理解他为什么要偷那笔钱。

6. where 从句。

My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be. 我的文件似乎完全不在它们应该放置的地方。