Looking back, to around the 16th century, there was once a singular trouser – or, rather, a singular trouse; the –er form was always plural and may have been modelled on ‘drawers’. You might expect trouse to have originally designated a single leg, in much the manner of sleeve, but this is not the case. A trouse was not a world away from modern day trousers, being ‘a close-fitting article of attire for the buttocks and thigh (divided below so as to form a separate covering for each thigh), to the lower extremities of which stockings (when worn) were attached’. But at the same time, trouses was used in its plural form for the same object. Other similar garments are among today’s pluralia tantum: pants, shorts, leggings, jeans, flares, tights, overalls, dungarees etc.
回首过去,在大约16世纪,人们也曾使用过它的单数形式trouser,那时候也写作trouse。以-er结尾的名词通常都用复数形式,这可能是受到drawer(抽屉)的影响。你可能会以为裤子一开始只有一条裤腿,就像sleeve(袖子)一样,但事实却不是这样的。以前的trouse和我们今天的裤子其实也没有什么大不同,都是“紧包臀部和腿部的服装(下端有分叉裹住两条大腿),一直延伸到袜子(如果穿了的话)处”。但是,复数形式的trousers其实也是指的同一事物。还有一些表示衣物的词语,它们也经常以复数形式出现,如pants、shorts、leggings、jeans、flares、tights、overalls、dungarees 等。
The word scissors dates back to the 15th century, and in its first-known uses appeared either as singular or plural. The latter quickly overtook the former in popularity, and today you are only likely to encounter the singular scissor as a verb or used attributively to form a compound noun such as scissor kick.
Scissor这个单词可以追溯到15世纪,一开始它的单复数形式都被人们拿来使用。但后者很快赢得更多的人气,并取代了前者。今天,只有在scissor作为动词或者作为修饰词来构成复合名词时,如scissor kick, 才使用单数形式。
Obviously the singular noun glass exists, but when referring to eyewear, you will only hear about glasses; even the fashion world doesn’t seem yet to have started recommending that people wear a chic glass. The same is true of binoculars, spectacles, and goggles.
很显然,glass作为单数名词确实存在,但涉及到眼镜时,你只会听到人们说的是glasses。甚至连时尚界人士在推荐眼镜时都不会用a chic(别致的)glass。同样情况的单词还有binoculars、spectacles、和goggles。
Looking more broadly in the world of attire, we speak of clothes, but never of a single clothe (a word which exists only as a verb). Cloth exists as a singular noun, but meaning ‘woven or felted fabric, made from wool, cotton, or a similar fibre’, rather than ‘a garment’. This was not always the case. In the late 14th century, cloth could be used to refer to a single garment, robe, or coat; this use is found in Piers Plowman, Wycliffe’s translation of the Psalms, and the works of Chaucer.
Although the verb thank is common, especially in the exclamation thank you, you wouldn’t give somebody a single thank – unless you happened to be in Ancient Britain and using the Old English thanc, from which the modern word stemmed. Again, the singular was dropped eventually – although examples are found as late as the 19th century.
虽然动词thank 非常普遍,尤其是用在感叹thank you时。但是你不能使用它的单数名词形式,除非是在古代英国,古英语中用作thanc,然而它已从现代英语词汇中删除。于是,虽然直到19世纪还有人使用它的名词单数形式,最终它还是被删除。
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