


  1. 考点内容

  Number Concepts and Operations 数的概念和运算

  o Arithmetic word problems (including percent, ratio) 算术文字题(包含百分数、比)

  o Basic concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division 加减乘除的基本概念

  o Estimation 估算

  o Rational numbers 有理数

  o Sequences and series 数列及其和

  o Frequencies 频数

  Algebra (elementary concepts of algebra) 代数(代数的基本概念)

  o Properties of exponents 指数的性质

  o Algebraic word problems 代数文字题

  o Equations of lines 直线的方程

  o Patterns 模式、规律

  o Absolute value 绝对值

  Geometry/Measurement 几何/测量

  o Area and circumference of a circle 圆的面积和周长

  o Area and perimeter of a polygon 多边形的面积和周长

  o Volume of a cube, cylinder, box 正方体、圆柱体、长方体的体积

  o Pythagorean theory and properties of right, isosceles, equilateral triangles 勾股理论,以及直角三角形、等腰三角形、等边三角形的性质

  o Properties of parallel and perpendicular lines 平行线与垂直直线的性质

  o Coordinate geometry 坐标几何

  o Slope 斜率

  Data analysis/probability 数据分析/概率

  o Interpretation (tables, graphs) 图表的解析

  o Trends and inferences 趋势与推论

  o Probability 概率



