AEAS创意写作举例!写作是AEAS考试中不计入总分的一个内容,今天AEAS考试网为各位考生介绍的事 AEAS创意写作,并为各位考生举例说明了,下面是详细的内容,我们一起来看一下吧。
“Creative Writing” (创意写作) 是一项非常好的考察学生创造力和写作能力的方式。在给定文章开头第一句话的前提下 (一般是陈述句,如:When the music stopped, he turned around.) 学生需要发挥自己独特的想象力来写一个尽可能完整且优美的故事。官方指南里对于这项考察任务的要求如下:
“Creative prompts are designed to spark your imagination and creativity. They will ask you to finish (or start) a story, based on a phrase, such as “I looked into its eyes and suddenly…” This is a chance for you to showcase the unique way you think and write, so don’t worry about getting it perfect.”
Steve Cushman
Driving beneath the flyover I spotted a grey bird and said penguin. My wife laughed and said pigeon, repeating it, pigeon, as if speaking to an idiot. She sighed and turned to the window, staring at something I could not see. I considered saying it was a mistake, a simple slip of the tongue, of course I knew the difference between a penguin and pigeon, but the time for stating my case seemed to have already passed.
Topic 1:If only the people in the photographs could talk.
拿到这个题目的时候,很多孩子的脑海中可能会想到哈利波特里那些会说话的照片,把这篇文章写成一篇奇幻的故事。这确实也是一个不错的思路,比如说一个挂满伟人照片的房间,主人公和过去的伟人进行对话。或者也可以写一个恐怖故事,鉴于画面太恐怖我就不多描述了。但是,如果写现实主义的小说 (realistic fiction),我觉得这个故事的最大的可能性是看自己亲人,朋友的照片,希望能和照片里的人说话,从而诉说一段难忘的感情。在这个提示下,画面感是很容易建立起来的,而我的画面感是我自己在一个公交车上看着自己去世的亲人的照片,并寄托自己的想念。范文如下:
“If only the people in the photographs could talk,” Marie thought, gazing through the photos on her portable MP4. Then, she gave out a sigh which had formed a thin cloud of white vapor which blurred the screen as well as her eyes.
In one of the pictures, her grandma was smiling, her hand holding a scarlet scarf which dangled from an airing rope. Marie had never saw that kind of smile before; in her mind picture, grandma’s smile was always mother-like, tolerant, and encouraging. In this picture, her smile mingled with shyness, and the capacity to see all the things through. Like her grandma was reminiscing in her girlhood, like she was saying, “I wish I could have such a beautiful muffler before.” Or like “I knew one day you will look at this picture and miss me so much.”
On another, her grandma was casting a surreptitious look at her grandpa at the dinner table, a look full of emotion. They stayed with each other for such a long time and Marie remembered that they barely quarreled. “The secret of keeping a long relationship is love,” her lips seemed moving, “and tolerance, a lot of them.”
The next, her grandma and grandpa were all staring at her. Marie liked this picture the most, like they were saying, “Marie, are you OK?” Or sometimes, in her vivid memory, “Cheer up, little bunny, we will always love you.”
Marie scoffed at these far-fetched guessing works, but she couldn’t deny they were her only condolences. When people died, all the memories around them seemed to hurt. And the pain doubled when you lost two of the most precious ones. She still remembered that day, when the cold call came, informing her shortly that her grandma was gone. And the same kind of phone call, which came after two months and 11 days, about her grandpa. Of all the people in the world, they love her the most, in a way incomparable to any kind of love in her heart, in a way we could call it “selfless love”. But it did shatter your heart to pieces when you lost two of them. Time did help in fixing these pieces together, but the cracks would always stay there, like the scratched screen of this old MP4, bought ten years ago, still, one of her favorite possessions, like it had temperature.
(words: 399)
这样的描写重要的是抒发内心的某种情感,并且非常好的切合了题目。虽然表面上用的是常用的5段式作文结构,但是却只描写了一个片段,在时间轴上也许5 分钟都不到。并且,文章在一开始的时候,铺垫了主人公很冷的这个事实,在文章结尾,用了一个比喻讲了回忆带给人的温度,很好的做到了首尾呼应。
另外一篇范文的小作者王同学目前已经被十校联盟中的Loomis Chaffee School所录取。从小王同学就热爱阅读,所以她写出来的故事一直有着细腻的描写和张力。针对这个练习的题目He could rule the world (他能统治世界),王同学并没有写比较宏大的侵略和征服的虚幻故事,而是一个普通男孩的白日梦。看一下,也许这个故事里就有你自己的影子呢?