1. In the late 1960s and early 1970s the U.S began to look for a way to improve relations with China so as to get China’s help for its withdrawal from south Vietnam and to work with China against Soviet expansion.20世纪60年代末70年代初,美国改善对华关系的有两上:一是以便从越撤军时能得到中国的帮助,再是希望与中国合作联手对付苏联的扩张。
2. In February 1972,President Nixon visited China and met Mao Zedong and the two countries issued the Shanhai Communique.This visit ended twenty-three years of hostility and led to the establishment of diplomatic relations in January 1979.1972年2月尼克松与毛泽东会晤,双方签署了《上海联合公报》。(1972年尼克松骑[7]着一只美丽的天鹅[2],在泥地上的一棵松树[尼克松]上面与毛泽东签了《上海联合公报》)
3. From 1972 to 1979,the key problem that affected the progress in U.S.-China relations remained the Taiwan problem.1972-1979年,影响中美关系的主要问题还是台湾问题。
4. Kennedy initiated the program called the New Frontier. Johnson also started a War on Poverty. 肯尼迪执政时启动了“新边疆号召”,约翰逊做总统时发动了反贫困大战。(好记啊:肯尼迪号召开垦边疆;约翰逊发动勤俭节约,反贫困。)
5. The two famous leaders of black movements in the the 60s were Martin Luther King,who advocated non-violent Civil Rights movement,and Malcolm X,who advocated violence in self defense,and attempted to separate themselves from whith society.60年代美国有名的黑人运动领袖为马丁。路德。金和迈克姆..X.
6. Nixon resigned because of Watergate Scandal ,the first president to do so in American history.水门事件使尼克松成为美国历史上第一位辞职的总统。
7. From the mid-seventies onwards ,the U.S suffered from”stagflation”,that is ,the occurrence of stagnation and inflation at the same time.从70年代中期开始,美国开始遭受“经济滞胀”即经济停滞与通货膨胀的同时出现。
1. The Truman Doctrime 杜鲁门主义
2. The Marshal Plan (马歇尔计划)
3. McCarthyism (麦卡锡主义)
4. Montgomery bus boycott (蒙哥马利联合抵制运动)
5. The New Frontier (新边疆号召)
6. The Counterculture (反文化运动)
7. Watergate Scandal (水门事件)
8. The little Rock Incident (小石城事件)
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